Booking location
How can we book tickets?
You can book by calling Joanna, as soon as you arrive or preferably a week before arriving, on 0030-26950-35143 (land line) or 0030-69768-90560 (mobile) to book your trip by visa card.
You can also book directly by visiting MAIS-MARKET or JOANNA'S CAR RENTALS to see Joanna. To avoid disappointment please do not leave it to the last minute.
Please remember to have your phone switched on or check for messages the day before and in the morning before the trip, in case we need to contact you to cancel the trip due to weather conditions.
Where can we find MAIS-MARKET?
MAIS-MARKET is located in Vasilikos on the South-East of the island coming from Zakinthos town, 1500 meters before Gerakas beach and 200 meters after the school on the left heading towards Gerakas beach.
The boat trip is a full-day trip. The boat departs from Porto Roma in Vassilikos at 08:30 hours and returns to Porto Roma at approximately 17:00 hours.
For more information about the boat trip, click here.
MAI's market or Joanna's car rentals in Vasilikos